
It is fullfild!

My manuscript „CHILD ABUSE and CHILD TRAAFICING— by governments and corporations organized crime“ is finally available in English as well.

In following you can download the manuscript at no charge:

The manuscript represent also the basis/evidence to my testimony regarding my lawsuit at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

I regularly write about current events — especially those regarding my several criminal charges — in my blog HERE. You are welcome to follow the news.

I am NOT a native English speaker. Nevertheless I hope that the translation is quite understandable.

As stated in the manuscript, I was forced into unemployment— as a means of blackmail. Therefore I cannot afford a professional translation as well.

In order to prevent any misunderstandings based on language missinterpretations, you are welcome to contact me via eMail at any time to clarify your questions/doubts.

If you would kindly like to support me in this critical situation my personal details can be found HERE.

Best regards,


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